Blame it on the banner.

Welcome to Spacing Out! Cast Artist Gallery FAQ Linkage comic

By: Li Galati

Er, yes! The Cast of Spacing Out! You see, smart Li over here, put all the information into an image. XD And instead of having to re-type everything all the time... it's just right there!

I only hope you can read it. O_o;





That's at least the main characters. Minor characters, with much less detail, are here.

Trent Slater: At first he's obsessed with Arkael, dresses like him, stalks him, you know, the works. But we find out that he's really under the influence of Neva and Merit, his so-called 'fanclub' when... we'll get into that later. Anyway, he's after Arkael, and he'll do anything to get him. Anything.

Sami Schwarz: Jayce's younger sister. Also in band [pit] and wants to take over it as well. Basically, Jayce's biggest rival.

Dennis: Hangs around with Sami. He's a Saxophone.... that's about it. XD

Neva: Merit's girlfriend and the shorter one of Trent's 'fanclub'. She wants Trent to be happy, and will help him do anything to get what he wants.

Merit: The taller one of Trent's 'fanclub' She's calm, collected, and thinks things over more than Neva does.

Mr. Finch: The science teacher. Er, yeah.

Layout is by Kitzaku-san, although it's not good. Spacing Out is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. It's kick butt too. ^^; All content is property of Li Galati c2003. Don't distribute this anywhere commercially. I'm doing this because I like it, and even though I'm not making money off of it yet, it's still mine. DON'T take. ^_^ I love you!