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Welcome to Spacing Out! Cast Artist Gallery FAQ Linkage comic

By: Li Galati

This is probably necessary for most webcomics. I mean, you don't just read one out of the blue... do you? One doesn't particularily know what to expect. So therefore... they're lost. Before they've even begun.

In order to prevent that, I've made a little FAQ Archive thingy so I can answer any questions that you might have to the best of my ability.

1) What is Spacing Out about?

Spacing Out (or, SP) is about four High School Seniors and their lives as... themselves really. Though there's a million side stories--it's supposed to semi-circle around the whole love scene with Arkael and Satoshi. Even though Jayce and Terrance are there for the whole 'Taking Over the Band' thing, that's there to merely become a side thing I can bring up whenever I'm in a fix.

2) Why did you make Spacing Out?

Er, I wanted to make a webcomic really bad. My friend Marisa had one, and I've read a million of them. So I got an idea together and started to write one where I could leave a lot of things open and make it have the ability to go on for a long time. ^^; I sat down and starting drawing one and the story just sort of flowed from my head. Now that I have a scanner, it makes things easier. Er... not as easy as a drawing pad, but oh well.
I wanted something yaoi/shounen ai. Because I'm a rabid yaoi fangirl. But, I have so many jokes in band, I had to throw in the Whole Band Domination.

3) Why is it called Spacing Out?

I had the story idea, and the characters all down--but I had no clue about a title. I had a bunch of really stupid ones. I even asked people around the school. I got weird names like, "There Goes the Neighborhood." Or "Up in Flames" But, what the HECK does that have to do with anything?
Er, then I spaced out. And when my friend snapped me back to reality, I was like, "I'm sorry, I was spacing out. SPACING OUT!" And it sort of stuck. Heh.

4) Do any of these characters relate to people you know?

Actually, yes. At first I didn't want to do that, but I sort of changed my mind. Things kind of happened a little out of whack. ^^; But I let them go as I went about things. These are the characters that are based off of people.
Terrance Martin: He resembles my friend homosexual friend JP. Only... no glasses and his hair is colored. XD But his personality is quite similar to mine.
Sami Schwarz: My bisexual friend Sami. I based basically everything on her character after her. She does play pit in marching band (Oboe during Concert). They look very much alike, but their actual personalities differ somewhat.
Dennis: He's not even my friend. XD He's just this Senior (now graduated, Class of 2003) that plays Saxophone. He's got this utterly ridiculous head of bushy red hair. Anyway, a bunch of my band nerd friends poke fun at him. (He's actually very popular. o_o)

5) What do you use to draw this?

A pencil and paper. Though, at first I had this pen and I would go over the pencil, but it just didn't look right when I was finished. Now I stick with pencil, but might go over it in pen or a deeper pencil. Then, I scan. Heh. I use Photoshop to remove the drawn in text if it doesn't show up, then I replace it with my own text. Cheap, huh?

6) So, you're a band nerd?

Yes! And proud of it! I'm second chair Clarinet (my older sister being first chair, but she graduates in 2004 so hah). I like being a band nerd, because it beats being a slut or a druggy or something like that. I'm also qualified as a Drama Addict, Speechie and your classic dork-with-loser-like-tendencies.

7) Are you seeing anyone?

Psssssh. I had to put that one in. I get this a lot from varied people, so I want to get it down pat. I don't like to date people.
I've had my share of boyfriends and girlfriends, and sure, it's nice every once in a while, but I had a really bad experience with my last girlfriend and we got into a huge fight because of this love polygon. THAT in itself would make a good story.
But, I don't want to risk getting on anyone else's nerves when it comes to love. I do, however, love someone. And she loves me back. But we're not going out. See previous reasons.
And just to get this right off the bat. I'm a lesbian. But I adore yaoi. Is that something completely terrible? Heh. I just can't stand real life men. But these fake/comic/anime/manga/TV men are alrighty. As long as they're 2-D.

Layout is by Kitzaku-san, although it's not good. Spacing Out is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. It's kick butt too. ^^; All content is property of Li Galati c2003. Don't distribute this anywhere commercially. I'm doing this because I like it, and even though I'm not making money off of it yet, it's still mine. DON'T take. ^_^ I love you!